About the Imperial Bibliographic Service

Thank you for contacting the Imperial Bibliographic service by Heliopticon.

This service is provided free of charge to all scholars in the Empire to aid them in disseminating their accrued Wisdom.

The principals of this service believe that every publication should be properly indexed and catalogued so any citizen can avail themself of any collected Wisdom which would aid them in their deeds and service the Empire.

It is not the aim of this service to distribute the works of Wisdom themselves but to allow citizens and other scholars to find works of interest, and allow them to seek each other out during the regular Imperial festivals in Anvil.

Using this website you can search for abstracts of any published work which has been indexed in the service. This is only intended for works published within Profound Decisions Empire Game setting.

To keep the game to the field, the content of the work itself is not downloadable from this website , but the IC contact details of the author and Publisher are available so you can seek them out during time-in.